Nov. 28, 2024 (EIRNS)—In her weekly Dialogue webcast on Nov. 28, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche presented the following strategic evaluation in response to a question about why leaders in the West seem incapable of changing their suicidal policies.
“Well, I think Russian President Putin is doing the very best he can to penetrate the skulls of these people, because just now at the CSTO summit in Astana in Kazakhstan he basically went through a long description of how many missiles Russia has—that it has about ten times the number of missiles that all NATO countries combined have. And then he went through the different categories of the hypersonic and other missiles, and in each category he said that the Russian version is superior to the NATO one in terms of range and sophistication.
“I think it’s absolutely horrifying to see how the Western Establishment—NATO, but also certain governments, like the French and the British—how they absolutely refuse to recognize that if they continue like that, they will get a nuclear war. The idea that you can defeat Russia militarily is so completely out of the window, that you can only say this is all a sign of madness, of pure desperation!
“I try to explain it to myself and discuss it with some people. What is it that prevents these people from recognizing that the game is lost? I think it has to do with the fact that these people mostly are not very skilled; they are not great figures like we used to have in the past, such as De Gaulle, Nehru, Gandhi, Adenauer, and you can name many others, like Kennedy. But these are people who are very poorly trained and they have acquired certain privileges by being political leaders. And they cling to the narrative they themselves have put out. It’s as if they have trans-Atlantic spectacles on, and they are incapable of recognizing that the world around them has changed in the most dramatic way, in a way we haven’t seen in 500 years.
“I have maintained many times in the past that the change we are seeing right now is as fundamental as the change from the Dark Age of the 14th Century to the Renaissance of Italy and modern times, which was introduced by that, leading to a completely different set of axioms—in the understanding of people about man, nature, the society, and so forth.
“They are just incapable of recognizing that.
“So, I think it’s extremely dangerous. And I can only say that what Scott Ritter is calling for—namely an international mobilization to make people aware of the danger—is absolutely called for. We are likewise trying to alert the world’s population, as many as we can reach, by convening a new international Schiller Institute conference on the 7th and 8th of December, where we will try to both portray the acute danger, but also portray a way out of it. Because the solution does exist. Actually, it would be very easy: if the West would stop this mad confrontation, trying to suppress the Global South, and instead join them, it would be relatively easy to resolve it.
“But I think we are in for the worst 5-6 weeks in world history, because between now and when Trump comes in, there are many commentators warning that the Biden administration may try to create a situation for Trump which, according to their plans, Trump cannot resolve, or not be able to walk it back, on the war situation.
“We are de facto in a situation of war between NATO and Russia. And that is not only what various Russian officials have said, but now also the former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove, said the same thing: that Tusk, the Polish prime minster, was wrong when he said we are not on the verge of a war, but that we are in a war already. And I think people better wake up to that fact before it is too late.”